Lenawee County, Michigan
Historical Attractions

Adrian MI Lenawee County Historical Musem Building
Open Fridays and Saturdays
10 am - 2 pm

Upcoming Events

Take a Journey Back Through Time...

Step back towards a different time...pick any time in history for our county...and you'll see interesting documents, collections, and stories about the people and places of Lenawee County, Michigan.

Read about the impact our County had on other national events. Learn how determination shaped the individuals who made a difference in our part of the world.

The archives at the Lenawee County Historical Society offer thousands of documents relating to business, government, religion, education, transportation, the military, prominent citizens, and many other subjects of local interest.

Visit us soon! We're located at 110 E. Church St., Adrian MI

Seeking Volunteer E-Bayer

Help the Lenawee Historical Museum with one of its New Year Resolutions! The Museum frequently receives donations of items to sell to raise operating funds. Currently, these items are set out for sale at the museum where they can be seen and purchased by museum visitors.

We are hoping to reach a wider audience by placing some of the items online for auction. These are often items of clothing, books, household items, pictures, posters, comic books, artwork, or other collectibles of one type or another. Specific examples include old family Bibles, old textbooks, political campaign buttons, commemorative calendars, militaria, tableware, jewelry, chachkies, and tools.

The Lenawee Historical Museum is seeking a volunteer to create and help manage an account on one or more internet auction sites.

If you have expertise, and are able to help us create or manage online accounts to sell some of these items, you can drop by on any Friday or Saturday between 10 and 2, or you can call the museum at 517-265-6071. If you don’t have the time to do it for us, maybe you could teach us how to do it and get us started. Your efforts will be appreciated either way.

Lenawee Historical Society, Inc., is a tax exempt organization under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Located At:
110 E. Church St., Adrian MI 49221
(517) 265-6071

Friday 10 am - 2 pm
Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
© 2025 Lenawee Historical Society and Lenawee Museum
Google Map Screenshot 110 E Church St Adrian MI 49221